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The Creative Javascript Course
The Basics
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0. Beginning Javascript (0:31)
1. Installing vsCode (3:11)
2. Loading Javascript (4:11)
3. Const and Let (13:56)
4. Comments (2:15)
5. Operators (4:35)
6. Primitive Data Types (5:56)
7. Concatenation (9:45)
8. Prettier (3:00)
9. Comparisons and Conditions (17:48)
10. Truthy Falsy Values (3:23)
11. Functions (17:27)
12. Objects (6:08)
13. Arrays (7:20)
14. Switch Statements (15:01)
15. For Loop (12:22)
16. For Of, ForEach (7:18)
17. For In, While Loops (7:54)
18. Guessing Game Final (13:36)
19. Scope (15:54)
Chapter 2 - DOM
About the extension
0. Dom Intro (0:26)
1. The DOM (2:46)
2. Exploring document (2:17)
3. Selecting in the DOM (8:53)
4. Collections and Nodelists (19:04)
5. Events (23:41)
6. Event Bubbling (18:43)
7. Session and Local Storage (13:13)
Chapter 3 - Todo Project
0. Todo Intro (0:39)
1. Set Up (6:37)
2. Basic Styling (5:49)
3. Generating Todos (8:51)
4. Adding Todos (6:53)
5. Delete and Mark (6:22)
6. Animations (4:37)
7. Filtering (14:39)
8. Local Storage (18:44)
Final Code
Chapter 4 - Arrays
1. Primitives Vs Reference Types (11:47)
2. Callbacks, Higher Order Functions (7:45)
3. Map (5:29)
4. Find (2:56)
5. Filter (3:11)
6. Some and Every (4:06)
7. Ternary Operator (3:31)
8. Arrow Functions (9:55)
9. Sort...weird (11:20)
10. Creating Copies (6:26)
Chapter 5 - Objects
0. Objects Intro (0:46)
1. The Global Execution Context and Hoisting (10:25)
2. Callstack (13:20)
3. This Keyword (20:09)
4. Bind, Call, Apply (10:52)
5. Constructor Functions (8:27)
6. Prototype (12:30)
7. Prototypal Inheritence (12:02)
8. Classes (8:13)
9. Fun Stuff With OOP (13:20)
Chapter 6 - Beatmaker Project
Starter Files
1. Project Preview (2:28)
2. HTML Setup (13:53)
3. CSS Setup (11:38)
4. Creating Our Sound Loop (16:49)
5.Let's hear the sounds! (8:58)
6. Quick Fix (1:00)
7. Play and Stop (9:59)
8. Changing Sounds (9:59)
9. Muting Sounds (6:48)
10. Adding Tempo (11:13)
Finished Code
Chapter 7 - Coloors Project
0. Coloors Intro (2:40)
1. The Project (2:27)
2. Creating the HTML (15:14)
3. Style It Up! (12:36)
4. Generate First Color (11:26)
5. Checking Contrast (2:39)
6. Coloring our Inputs (17:57)
7. Updating the BG (9:55)
8. Updating Text and Contrast (5:37)
9. Fixing Our Broken Slides (5:02)
10. Updating Slide Values (7:16)
11. Live Slide Update (1:48)
12. Copy To Clipboard (10:24)
13. Open Close Adjustments (5:48)
14. Generate Button (5:51)
15. Lock Feature (3:30)
16. Open Close Save Palette (14:55)
17. Pushing to Local Storage (5:43)
18. Dynamic Library UI (13:31)
19. Picking from Library (6:57)
20. Finish (10:35)
21. But wait there is a bug (8:11)
Final Code
Chapter 8 - Website Project
Starter Images
0. Creating Dynamic Websites (0:50)
1. Project Intro (1:32)
2. Adding HTML (9:14)
3. Adding CSS (14:29)
4. Diferrent Scroll Effects (19:12)
5. Adding GSAP (12:23)
6. Scroll Animation Overload (15:35)
7. Cursor Animations (13:28)
8. Toggle Burger (6:25)
9. Another Page (12:03)
10. Page Transitions (29:42)
11. Scroll Effect On Other Pages (7:48)
12. Bug Fixes and Mobile View (14:20)
Final Code
1. Deconstruct (7:29)
2. IIFE (2:26)
3. Closures (5:47)
Chapter 9 -Async Javascript
0. Async Intro (0:28)
1. Ajax (3:41)
2. Async Behind The Scenes (9:44)
3.Callbacks and Callback Hell (8:53)
4. Promises (5:59)
5. Promise Refactor (4:56)
6. Promise All (3:20)
7. Async Await (4:41)
8. Fetching From our first API (8:55)
Chapter 10 - Photon Project
1. Photon Intro (1:34)
2. Api Key (3:24)
3. Creating the basic HTML and CSS (6:57)
4. Fetching the Images (9:34)
5. Search (7:39)
6. Refactoring (6:34)
7. Search Clear (4:48)
8. Finishing the style css (5:33)
9. Finishing it up (10:19)
10. Thank You (0:32)
Photon Final Code
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